Cloth Diaper with a High-Efficiency Washer
I've had 4 babies in 6 years... With the abundance of laundry we accumulate as a large family I have been inconsistent with cloth diapering. It gets tiring & disposables are very convenience, but also costly.
The diapers I have come to love using are BumGenius pocket diapers with inserts & KaWaii Baby pocket diapers with inserts. I've tried brands with velcro & all-in-ones, but I like these two the most and they were affordable when I purchased them 5 years ago.
Over the years I have had wet bags which have disintegrated after too many washes, & recently have come to use a compost bin such as the one linked below, for a bin in my living room to house used diapers. The charcoal filter helps conceal the smell which is wonderful! While out of the house I use a large gallon size Ziplock bag which works well. Once my bin is full I dump the diapers into a sealable Rubbermaid container in my laundry room until I get low enough in my stash to wash a load.
Over the years I have had wet bags which have disintegrated after too many washes, & recently have come to use a compost bin such as the one linked below, for a bin in my living room to house used diapers. The charcoal filter helps conceal the smell which is wonderful! While out of the house I use a large gallon size Ziplock bag which works well. Once my bin is full I dump the diapers into a sealable Rubbermaid container in my laundry room until I get low enough in my stash to wash a load.
I follow this chart by The Healthy Honeys It has always produced clean diapers free of smells! I have a front loading HE washing machine so I follow their directions for washing diapers. Over the years I've used Seventh Generation and Ecos detergents. My little one is allergic to Seventh Generation so I use Ecos Free & Clear and am very happy with it.
Every now & then my diapers begin holding an odor after washing as well as leaking. When that happens I follow Mama Natural's advice for stripping them here
Every now & then my diapers begin holding an odor after washing as well as leaking. When that happens I follow Mama Natural's advice for stripping them here
I found this wooden accordion drying rack from a local thrift store for $15 2 years ago and use it for everything! Definitely a need for sunning diapers to naturally bleach out stains & disinfect them.
May these tips help you! Happy diapering!
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